If asked for password enter your signed apk keystore password.
Google / firebase SHA-1 : keytool -exportcert -keystore path-to-debug-or-production-keystore -list -vįacebook release key hash: keytool -exportcert -alias -keystore | sha1 -binary | base64 Use this link or copy the key hash provided by facebook loginĬreate / use Keystore details of signed apk. Integrating google sign in (change SHA-1 of OAuth client),įacebook login (change key Hash (generate key hash using SHA-1 Provided by google play where ever you used it before. You need to change uploaded certificate details with new details Then you can see two types of certificateġ- Upload certificate ( your app certificate provided when generating signed apk)Ģ- App signing certificate ( because you enabled Google Play App Signing, so they provided new certificate details for your published apk) certificate details in respective places.Ģ) You provided debug key store / SHA-1 certificate details instead of RELEASE certificate detailsģ) error while generating certificates. Then your Upload certificate details will change and you need to rewrite SHA-1 etc. Google Play App Signing is enabled for this app. 1) when you create / publish an app through google play console, there is an option for enable Google Play App Signing.